Ofrah’s passion for nursing started at an early age when she noted the care being provided by nursing staff who looked after her unwell mother. Ofrah brings more than 20 year’s clinical and nursing experience/expertise working in various roles in and outside of an NHS setting and started her nursing career as a health care assistant.

Ofrah is of Yemeni decent and has a deep-rooted passion and understanding of the lived experiences of Arab nurses, midwives, and health care assistants. She understands and appreciates the challenges that are often faced by this diaspora group and her daily interactions with wider Arab nurses, midwives and health care assistants has been the driving force that has motivated her to setting up the first UK wide Arab diaspora Association.

Ofrah became a registered nurse in the 90s. Whilst growing up, her mother spent a lot of time in and out of hospital and she often watched the nursing staff care for her mother and acted as a interpreter with her sister, who is a medic. The experiences she faced as a child growing up and watching her mum accessing health care has shaped and grounded her values and beliefs. This childhood experience was the starting point for Ofrah’s career into nursing. To this day she holds those values firm.

She is a highly competent registered nurse with knowledge, skills and experience in paediatrics, community nursing, quality governance, project management and quality improvement. She was the only Mary Seacole Leadership
Award winner in 2008 which was funded by the Department of Health, RCN, Royal College of Midwives and Unite She has held board roles in multiple charities, including at Kidney Care UK and Age UK and is currently the UK wide Professional Lead for Nursing Support Workers at the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and is a Non-Executive Director
in the NHS.
She has an MSc in Healthcare Management and Policy from the University of Birmingham and is also a certified Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Assessor. Ofrah is also keen in the development of the next nursing and midwifery generation and spends some of her spare time mentoring in a volunteering capacity.

Ofrah Muflahi

Founder & Director
افراح مفلحي